Organization: ASSOCIATION GRAND RAID Association Act 1901, organizes the Grand Raid Reunion Island called "The Diagonal of Fools" and the Semi Raid.
Article 2
Definition of the test:
A) GREAT RAID is a hike of about 163km Mountain for over 9600 feet of elevation gain approximately diagonally across the island of Reunion from south to north through the foothills of the Piton de la Fournaise and circuses Cilaos, Mafate and Salazie, primarily via the hiking trails of the GR. This hike or mountain running is for people trained and in good fitness. It takes place in one step, at your own pace. It requires competitors to some care of themselves. The race will start at 22 am Thursday, October 21, 2010 in Cape Wicked (St. Philip). The maximum time herewith, to be classified, is set at 66 hours (sixty six hours), all breaks included, subject to passing the various checkpoints within hours of closure reported in the log book and on the website. Schedules closed positions were calculated to allow hikers to reach the finish in imposed the maximum time, while making any stops (rest, meals ...). The competitors will not be classified beyond these deadlines and will then submit their electronic bracelet, their bibs will be neutralized and they are not entitled to all of the assistance provided by the organization, which assumes no responsibility for the consequences that may arise ..
B) Semi Raid is a hike of the same type from a distance of about 90km and a elevation gain of over 4900 meters. It requires competitors to some care of themselves. The race will start 6 am Saturday, October 23, 2009 at Cilaos. The maximum time of trial, to be classified, is set at 29heures (Twenty nine hours), including all breaks, subject to passing various checkpoints before closing time provided in the book road and on the website. The closing times of items were calculated for allow hikers to reach the finish within the maximum time imposed, while making possible stops (rest, meals ...). The competitors will no longer be classified in- After these periods and will then submit their electronic bracelet, their bibs will be neutralized and they are not entitled to full assistance established by organization, which assumes no responsibility for any consequences result.
Article 3
Conditions: All competitors agree to submit to regulation by the very fact of registration and release the organizers of responsibility for any incident or accident may arise because of non-compliance with this one.
Article 4
Admission competitors: On the Great Raid, a draw may be held prior to residents Island of Reunion. A medical certificate (standard model provided by the organization) stating fitness competitor the test (prolonged and intense efforts at altitude) must be completed and returned to organizational imperative for dates on this one or on our website. ASSOCIATION reserves the right to refuse registration of a rider to whom a penalty disqualification was imposed at a previous edition or other serious reasons. For the GRAND RAID and RAID SEMI is admitted as a competitor, any person both sexes, aged 18 years old the day of one of the two races. The participation of dogs, after approval of the organizer is allowed, under the full responsibility of the owner, and upon presentation of a certificate of vaccination against rabies. Their number is limited to 10 depending on the order of registration. The departure of the Master and his dog will last and the animal will be leashed. The registration fee, paid in addition to the inclusion of accompanying, is attached to the registration form.
Article 5
competing Categories and classifications: All participants of the Great Raid and Raid Partly are grouped into one of the 5 age categories Men and Women in the table below: 1-Senior Men and Women (SH - SF) 18 to 39 years Veteran 2-1 Men and Women (V1H - v1f) 40 to 49 years 3-Veteran 2 Men and Women (V2H - V2F) 50 to 59 years 4-3 Veteran Men and Women (V3H - V3F) 60 to 70 years 5-4 Veteran Men and Women (V4H - V4F) 70 years and over
Classifications provided: In addition to these rankings, the Grand Raid and Raid Semi include the following classifications:
* Individual (the) unsponsored (e): Scratch Scratch Men and women representing 12 ratings possible.
* Minimum of 3 Team Men or Women (mixed teams will be classified under Men rank teams) with a team ranking based on total points (Depending on the overall ranking general) obtained by the first 3 team members to cross the finish line. The team does not rank in category ranking sponsored and vice versa, but allows the rankings to Scratch Men or Women and age categories Men or Women. For a team to be so classified, 3 more members of this team must have crossed the finish line.
* Individual (the) sponsored (e), Male or Female, also appear in one of Rankings scratch Males or Females and age groups. The time of each competitor will be broken in hours, minutes and seconds. The watch the organization will be the only official reference. In the event of arrival tie, the advantage will be given to older and may be waived only being recalled reward will be issued.
Article 6
Equipment supplied by the organization: Bib, T-shirt, tank top (for the Great Raid) and Hats Saharan bracelet with embedded electronic chip to the score and ranking.
Article 7
Development of Partners: Individual classes and non-sponsored teams are not allowed to wear a T- shirt or vest other than that provided by the Association of departure in the second position and the penultimate checkpoint to the finish. Out of these portions of the test, Competitors may be permitted to wear a tee shirt or tank top free of brand advertising and reference. The category is sponsored permitted to wear a T-shirt with their logo (s) Sponsor (s) outside the following portions: the starting job at second and the penultimate position control to the finish. Their sponsor's logo will appear in a space of up to 300 cm ² on the front and back of uniforms (T-Shirt & Tank) and 12 cm2 on one side of cap. The sponsor of the competitor must nevertheless be validated by Association Grand Raid and not compete with a sponsor organization.
& DUW For purposes of the race, partially variance with the law Informatique et Liberté organization allows the partners of the Grand Raid and Raid Semi only, contact competitors by the end of February of the year following the "Size of Fools." To do this, the addresses will be obtained from the secretariat of the Association assess the validity of claims. If so, the partners will take the commitment not to yield as or without charge postal addresses, electronic and telephone numbers competitors. And they will use them only for the needs of the sporting event. Otherwise, they would incur no liability to the extent that the Association does be troubled.
Article 8
Program of the event: See page 1. Article 2
Article 9
Checking out of the race: When registering at the start, the competitor must voluntarily submit his bib affixed to the front and waist height to clear the breastplate of the partners of the Grand Raid. He will also present her bracelet equipped with the chip for the score mail. Systematic inspection of bags will be conducted to verify if each competitor has required equipment mentioned in section 18.
Article 10
checkpoint: Checkpoints are distributed along the route, and sites are pointing mandatory for competitors. The score is by means of electronic chip integrated in a wristband. This will be placed on the wrist during the bibs. It shall in no case be removed. Any rider with a score without it wrist bracelet equipped with its chip will be disqualified. A random check of bags may also be made by the organization at any time particularly on the test site at Mare Mud.
Control on arrival will allow timekeepers to determine the rankings of the test. Any competitor delayed for relief / assistance to others will claim the credit for the delay in checkpoint next to benefit with a cash bonus single.
Control on arrival will allow timekeepers to determine the rankings of the test. Any competitor delayed for relief / assistance to others will claim the credit for the delay in checkpoint next to benefit with a cash bonus single.
Article 11
Abandonment: In case of withdrawal, the competitor must obligatoiremen t prevent the controller station the nearest control and give him his number so that it is neutralized and make its bracelet equipped with its chip. Unless the organization accepts no liability for consequences that might ensue (initiation of research ...) and secondly The organization reserves the right not to include the hiker for subsequent editions.
Article 12
of Book Road / Road Book: A description of the track is shared with competitors. It includes practical information such as hours of closure of post offices, places of refreshment, and opportunities for personal assistance.
Article 13
Medical Assistance: A multidisciplinary medical team, established by the organization will be present during the duration of the event. It will provide medical assistance to the positions of competitors contained in the logbook. Shall promptly notify the Race Director or his Deputy the inability of the competitor to continue the event. The final decision will organization.
Article 14
Insurance: The Association has agreed for the duration of the Event Liability Insurance Civil against third parties and competitors, implying that damage to these latter are generated by a fault of the organizer. Also, we urge you to purchase individual insurance. The responsibility of the Association is released soon, disqualification for pointing untimely decision by medical or other decision of the Race Director (Article 20).
Article 15
Accommodation during the event: The competitor may benefit from resting points provided by the organization mentioned on the Logbook.
Article 16
Food and Beverages: The principle of this race is food self-sufficiency. Nevertheless, almost all positions (see list in the log), is stocked with drinks and food Type marathon with hot meals on certain items.
Article 17
Personal assistance: Competitors may not receive personal assistance as checkpoints (See log), which ruled out any assistance "flying" type "hare" guides, "water carriers" (see art. 19). Items prohibited for assistance vehicles competitors will be those mentioned in the prefectural authorization race. The bags of clothes given to the organization as part of the race will imperatively be recovered by their owners no later than Monday following the event, at Otherwise, they will be destroyed.
Article 18
a) required: In addition to wearing the bib front and bracelet equipped with its integrated chip for the electronic scoring, a bag to carry the required equipment before contain the following: a flashlight or headlamp bulb (except models with diodes) and stack (s) Alternate 1 blanket 1 reserve of water for a minimum of one liter 1 whistle 2 elastic bandages, adhesive, a food reserve, a rain jacket.
b) recommended (not exhaustive): 1 1 lighter pull a knife, a piece of string to Any repairs a sunscreen a tube of Vaseline clothes Book route. c) Each competitor is allowed to use only one stick of wood, not sharp without metal tip.
Article 19
Penalties: Penalization of three hours:
a / Non-compliance with Article 18. b / bib not properly appended. The latter must appear in front of the belt and not on the bag. v. Unauthorized Assistance (type "water carrier", "hare"). d / Absence of a mark anti-cheating, no one pointing to a checkpoint unless departure.
a / Non-compliance with Article 18. b / bib not properly appended. The latter must appear in front of the belt and not on the bag. v. Unauthorized Assistance (type "water carrier", "hare"). d / Absence of a mark anti-cheating, no one pointing to a checkpoint unless departure.
Article 20
Grounds for Disqualification: a / No more than one brand anti-cheat. b / No show more than one checkpoint. c / No bag or any other means of transporting the required equipment. d / No bib and (or) bracelet equipped with its integrated chip for the score mail. e / Pointing beyond the closing time of a checkpoint. f / Using a means of transport during the event. g / No more than one item of equipment required during the race. h / Doping or refusal to submit to doping control. i / Non-assistance to a competitor in distress. j / Pollution and degradation of sites by competitors or their support. k / insults or threats made by competitors to controllers, commissioners athletes or members of any organization's position during oral and written before after the sporting event connotation defamatory or offensive may be sanctioned the steering committee for a ban on participation in one or more tests for one or several years depending on the seriousness of what was said, regardless possible prosecution. l / Refusal to be examined by doctors at any time of the event. m / physical or mental state of the competitor considered unfit for further testing by the doctor. n / dangerous behavior of a competitor, possession of a prohibited item as a recidivist. o / Breach of Article 7.
Rule 21
Doping Control: Any competitor may be subject to doping control during or at the arrival of test. The refusal to submit will result in immediate disqualification. Any control positive without prejudice to heavier penalties will, in addition to the disqualification the prohibition to run next year.
Article 22
Complaints: They shall be admissible in writing within 30 minutes after posting interim results by the Race Director at destination.
Article 23
Jury trial: It is composed: The President and Vice President of the Association Grand Raid; From Race Director, College of stewards; Of Commissioners checkpoints, a representative of the National Park for advice when the problem submitted to the jury on the environment; All competent persons whose presence is deemed useful. The jury is empowered to act within a period consistent with imperatives of race in any dispute or disqualification occurred during the test, the person duly heard. The decisions are final. After review of claims submitted in the form and time limit under Art. 22, it will conducted by the jury at the announcement of final results
Article 24
Cover Photo, Television, Video & Rights: Any entrant expressly waives the right to invoke the image during the test, as he waives all claims against the organizer and its authorized partners for the use of his image. As for the professional audiovisual and photos, they must obtain accreditation from the organization. It is further understood that image, no photographs or no video may not be sold to partners or private television channels of any nature whatsoever without the agreement of Association Grand Raid.
Article 25
Security and Support: It is provided by a network of twenty checkpoints and positions (medical and Para Medical), Red Cross Lifeguards, PGHM, EMS, controllers, Signals, Teams Serre-Files ...
Article 26
Article 26
Registration fees: The amount of registration fee per competitor is shown on our website. These rights include all items listed in Articles 6, 12, 14, 13 & 16. In case of cancellation of registration: No refunds for cancellations will be made in the 15 days preceding the race, whatever the motive. Before that date, Refunds will be minus 20 euros for administrative expenses, and only upon written request express and dated (the date of postmark) accompanied by an envelope with your name and address, stamped into force.
Article 27
Filing and awards: An array of awards is given with the log book; Also all the "finishers" are to THE GREAT RAID and RAID SEMI: A T-shirt, a commemorative medal and a diploma certifying their performance download ..
Article 28
Amendment of the route: The organization reserves the right at any time to change the route without notice.
Article 29
Deadline for registration! Entries close on or before the date shown on our website unless allowances are provided with before. The number of entries is set each year by the Committee Director of the Association with distinction on our website.
Article 30
Cancellation of events: In case of cancellation tests (Grand Raid and Raid Half): - At the initiative of the organization, the Association to restore the Great Raid competitors the amount of their registration in proportion to the progress of preparations test.
- In case of force majeure (exceptional weather, volcanic eruption, administrative ban or any unforeseeable) the amount of entries forfeited to the Association
- In case of force majeure (exceptional weather, volcanic eruption, administrative ban or any unforeseeable) the amount of entries forfeited to the Association
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