Your performance will be directly related to your degree training. The length of the test does not allow big surprise. Do not overestimate yourself, you will be all the more pleasantly satisfied.
Training Plan Minimum:
3 jogging of 10-13 km / week. Distance jogging is not the most important, you must above all be (gradually) 1:30 run without getting tired (always be able to speak).Do not train on the flat: the race hill has many advantages. It makes you work with the resistance as you will need for the climbs Successive and lets you work beneficial to the heart muscle (watch out for over 40 years!) And muscles: habituation of heart rates (resistance) and muscles of the legs so better damping at significantly reducing tendon tendinitis.A large output of 5 to 8 hours every 15 days for 3 months (with backpack and standard equipment GR) is enough to make you finish the race without incident and this, with the added bonus, the pleasure brought by the ease physical and mental health.For those who want to know more and go further in the drive on the Ultra Trail and in particular the Great Raid, Eric Lacroix, a specialist in mountain running and well known riders in Reunion, gives you valuable advice on its site DENIVA.Recognize the term gradually 4 (30 km) and 3 (40 km) and 2 (60 km) sections. Cycling, weight training (the Large Internal ask your physiotherapist) and stretching are useful supplements to training in the Grand Raid.
Avoid violent sports (tennis, squash or kick-boxing for example.) During the last months because there is a risk of sprains, tendonitis and major fatigue.
Try to get a slight tan uncovered parts of the body to better protect yourself on the day of the GR.Sunburns are painful at altitude. Moreover, the adventurer swarthy complexion is very becoming! Walk barefoot whenever possible, to strengthen the skin of the feet and the arch.
Final verification of the required equipment (survival blanket, whistle, flashlight and refills), you'll see, we sleep better when everything is in the bag.Sleep preferably towards the start and with friends, to avoid a sleepless night and many irritations personal and family!Big meal of carbohydrates and water.
The big day:
Clock 2 hours before departure after 4-6 hours of sleep (dual alarm clock with caution) Do not take sleeping pills, some wives of runners still remember it.Warm quiet: toddler, stretch and drink, you'll eliminate!
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